Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Sleeping Beauty's faries- Prader Willi

In the movie Sleeping Beauty princess Aurora is threatened by the evil Maleficent. In order to protect the princess her parents hide Aurora deep in woods. I'm not sure if the parents were being negligent or just plain stupid but they put their only daughter under the care of three "fairies" suffering from mental retardation.

Now for those of you who haven't gone to medical school I wish to educate you as to a certain genetically acquired form of mental retardation called Prader Willi syndrome. Prader Willi syndrome is a fairly rare disease. Those suffering from Prader Willi syndrome are missing a specific gene. Those with Prader Willi have some other interesting features. One of the most striking features is that they LOVE TO EAT- and they just can't control their eating habits. This causes these people to be very over-weight (FAT would be the medical term). Other of these patients' features is that they are also short in stature. Now I refer you to my first picture (see figure 1).
As you can clearly see these so-called fairies have every characteristic of a Prader-Willi syndrome person- they are all fat, all short in stature, and all a bit mentally challenged.
It was a very stupid thing of the king and queen to place their only daughter (who was being threatened by a very evil witch) in the hands of three mentally handicapped eat-aholics.


Brittany & Garrett Best said...

I think you have too much time on your hands to be analyzing this movie in such detail, but it's entertaining for me.

Lynsie said...

I think you are extremely weird. Probably more than any of the rest of us! Ha!!!

Carrie said...

Okay, why didn't I know you had a blog?! Jen said something about how you tease her about blogging so I just assumed you didn't do it. Well, that's it!!! I found you and you have to suffer my comments. Love ya brother!